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© Стив Андреас и др., 1996
© Перевод Александра Бродского, 1998

Словарь НЛП  

Смотри Словарь терминов НЛП

  1. NLP Comprehensive, NLP: The New Technology of Achievement (Chicago: Nightingale-Conant, 1991), audiocassettes.
Глава вторая. Что такое НЛП?
  1. Edward T. Hall, The Silent Language (Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications, 1959).
  2. Connirae Andreas and Steve Andreas, Change Your Mind—and Keep the Change (Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1987). These brief NLP techniques, developed by NLP cofounder Richard Bandler, are adapted from the book.
  3. "Richard Burton Dies at 58," Chicago Tribune, August 6, 1984.
Глава третья. Как приобрести мотивацию?
  1. Richard Bandler, Using Your Brain—for a Change (Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1985).
Глава четвертая. Открытие собственной миссии
  1. "In Quest of the Universe," Discover Channel, August 15, 1993.
  2. Russell Schweickart, interview by Kelly Patrick Gerling, July 1, 1983.
  3. Hank Whittemore, CAW; The Inside Story (Boston: Little, Brown, 1990).
  4. /, Michelangelo, Sculptor: An Autobiography Through Letters, ed. Irving Stone and Jean Stone and trans. Charles Speroni (New York: Doubleday & Company, 1962).
  5. Studs Terkel, Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do (New York: Pantheon Books, 1974), pp. xi, xii.
  6. Ibid., p. xxiv.
  7. Susan Butcher, interview by Kelly Patrick Gerling, October 22, 1990.
  8. Ibid.
  9. Ibid.
  10. "I Dream for a Living," Time, July 15, 1985, pp. 58, 62.
  11. Whittemore, 1990.
  12. Ibid., p. 11.
  13. Ralph Aguayo, Dr. Deming: The Man Who Taught the Japanese About Quality (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990), pp. 98, 99.
  14. Aguayo, pp. 98, 99.
  15. John R. Wooden and Jack Tobia, They Call Me Coach (Waco, Тех.: Word, Inc., 1972), p. 60.
  16. Whittemore, 1990.
  17. Donald W. Robertson, Mind's Eye of Richard Buckminster Fuller (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1974), p. 45.
  18. Hugh Kenner, Bucky: A Guided Tour of Buckminster Fuller (New York: William Morrow & Company, 1973).
  19. Russell Schweickart, interview by Kelly Patrick Gerling, July 1, 1983.
  20. Alden Hatch, Buckminster Fuller: At Home in the Universe (New York: Delta Book, 1974), p. 91.
  21. "I Dream for a Living," p. 57.
  22. Ibid, p. 57.
  23. Irving & Jean Stone, eds., 1962.
Глава пятая. Достижение целей
  1. Ralph Aguayo, Dr. Deming: The Man Who Taught the Japanese About Quality (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990). pp. 98-100.
  2. Joseph R. Dominguez and Vicki Robin, Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence (New York: Penguin Books, 1992).
  3. Ewing Kauffman, interview by Kelly Patrick Gerling, June 4, 1991.
  4. Kelly Patrick Gerling and Charles Sheppard, Values-Based Leadership (Shawnee Mission, Kans.: The Leadership Project, 1993).
  5. Susan Butcher, interview by Kelly Patrick Gerling, October 22, 1990.
  6. Carol S. Pearson, Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes to Help Us Find Ourselves and Transform Our World (San Francisco: Harper, 1991).
  7. Morris Berman, Coming to Our Senses (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989).
Глава шестая. Построение раппорта и прочных взаимоотношений
  1. Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Frogs into Princes (Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1979).
Глава седьмая. Мощные стратегии убеждения
  1. Connirae Andreas, Aligning Perceptual Positions (Boulder, Colo.: NLP Comprehensive, 1991), videocassette.
  2. Connirae Andreas with Tamara Andreas, Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring Within (Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1999).
Глава восьмая. Устранение страхов и фобий
  1. Gerald Rosen, Don't Be Afraid: A Program for Overcoming Your Fears and Phobias (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Spectrum Books/Prentice-Hall, 1976).
  2. Connirae Andreas and Steven Andreas. Heart of the Mind: Engaging Your Inner Power to Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1989).
  3. Richard Bandler, Using Your Brain—for a Change (Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1985).
  4. Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Frogs into Princes (Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1979).
Глава девятая. Формирование уверенности в себе
  1. Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Frogs into Princes (Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1979).
Глава десятая. Формирование самоуважения и самооценки
  1. John Bradshaw, Healing the Shame That Binds You (Deerfield Beach, Fla.: Health Communications, Inc., 1988).
  2. Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Solutions (San Rafael, Calif.: Future-Pace, Inc., 1985).
  3. Richard Bandler, Using Your Brain—for a Change (Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1985).
  4. Connirae Andreas and Steve Andreas, Change Your Mind—and Keep the Change and Heart of the Mind: Engaging Your Inner Power to Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1987 and 1989).
Глава одиннадцатая. Формирование устойчивого позитивного внутреннего настроя
  1. Gary J. Paris, "The Power of Positive Thinking: The Psychological Profile of the Successful Athletic Rehabilitation Patient," Clinical Management Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 6, (1989).
  2. Jack D. Schwager, The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top Traders (New York: HarperBusiness, 1992).
  3. Connirae Andreas and Steve Andreas, Heart of the Mind: Engaging Your Inner Power to Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Change Your Mind and Keep the Change (Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1989 and 1987).
  4. Steve Andreas, The Decision Destroyer (Boulder: NLP Comprehensive, 1990), audiotape.
Глава двенадцатая. Достижение вершин мастерства
  1. Charles Garfield, Peak Performers: The New Heroes of American Business (New York: Avon, 1987).
  2. Michael Lemer, Surplus Powerlessness (Oakland: Institute of Labor and Mental Health, 1986).
  3. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (New York: Harper & Row, 1990).
21-дневная программа неограниченных достижений
  1. Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989).
  2. George Leonard, Mastery (New York: Dutton, 1991).

ANDREAS, CONNIRAE. Aligning Perceptual Positions. Boulder, Colo.: NLP Comprehensive, 1991. Videotape.

ANDREAS, STEVE. The Decision Destroyer. Boulder, Colo.: NLP Comprehensive, 1990. Audiotape.

ANDREAS, CONNIRAE, and STEVE ANDREAS. Change Your Mind— and Keep the Change. Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1987.

ANDREAS, CONNIRAE, and STEVE ANDREAS. Heart of the Mind: Engaging Your Inner Power to Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1989.

ANDREAS, CONNIRAE, with TAMARA ANDREAS. Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring Within. Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1994.

BANDLER, RICHARD. Using Your Brain—for a Change. Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1985.

BANDLER, RICHARD, and JOHN GRINDER. Frogs into Princes. Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1979.

BANDLER, RICHARD, and JOHN GRINDER. Reframing: Neurolinguis-tic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning. Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 1982.

BAGLEY III, DAN S. and EDWARD J. REESE. Beyond Selling. Cu-pertino, Calif.: Meta Publications, 1987.

CAMERON-BANDLER, LESLIE. Solutions. SanRafael, Calif.: Future-Pace, Inc., 1985.

DILTS, ROBERT, ET AL. Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well-Being. Portland, Ore.: Metamorphous Press, 1990.

DILTS, ROBERT В., ET AL. Tools for Dreamers. Cupertino, Calif.: Meta Publications, 1991.

FAULKNER, CHARLES, and LUCY FREEDMAN for NLP Comprehensive. NLP in Action. Chicago: Nightingale-Conant, 1993. Videotape.

FAULKNER, CHARLES, and ROBERT MCDONALD for NLP Comprehensive. Success Mastery with NLP. Chicago: Nightingale-Conant, 1992. Audiocassette.

NLP COMPREHENSIVE. NLP: The New Technology of Achievement. Chicago: Nightingale-Conant, 1991. Audiocassette.

O'CONNOR, JOSEPH, and JOHN SEYMOUR. Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming. New York: Harper & Row, 1990.

Об авторах  

Стив Андреас (Steve Andreas, M.A.)

Чарлз Фолкнер (Charles Faulkner)

Келли Джерлинг (Kelly Patrick Gerling, Ph.D.)

Тим Халлбом (Tim Hallbom, M.S.W.)

Роберт Мак-Дональд (Robert McDonald, M.S.)

Джерри Шмидт (Gerry Schmidt, Ph.D.)

Сьюзи Смит (Suzi Smith, M.S.)

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